Harnessing a continuous perfusion process for improved productivity


Continuous perfusion allows for the constant feeding of fresh media into a bioreactor while removing used media. This means that the cell environment maintains consistency, helping to boost growth, viability, and productivity.

As a result, the global perfusion bioreactors market is predicted to grow from $355.6 million in 2022 to reach 747.6 million by the end of 2033 at a compound annual growth rate of 7.2%1.

Why did the customer approach Enzene?

A client approached Enzene biosciences, struggling to run a fed-batch beyond 10 days, which only produced a very low titer of 600 to 700mg when cultured.

Why did the customer approach Enzene?

Enzene’s approach

The batch was first reproduced leveraging the client’s media, feed, and process strategy on fed-batch. Having analyzed the process when using the original conditions, the media and feed were replaced with Enzene’s platform, redefining the fed-batch process strategy.

The process was optimized, starting from a small 250mL Ambr scale through to a 2KL bioreactor and vice versa for verification, and production was transitioned to a perfusion process. This perfusion process utilized less feed (1%) than a fed-batch (5 to 10%), harnessing around 20 to 25 pg per cell per day.

Enzene’s approach


Therefore, productivity was significantly improved when adopting Enzene’s continuous perfusion
manufacturing solution.

The successful introduction of Enzene’s fed-batch strategy led to an 8x improvement in productivity (4500mg/titre), with the transition to a continuous perfusion manufacturing process resulting in an 8x further productivity improvement.


1 Global Perfusion Bioreactors Market, accessed 8 February 2024, from: https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2023/08/17/2727371/0/en/Global-Perfusion-Bioreactors-Market-to-Reach-US-747-6-Million-by-2033-Surge-in-Biopharmaceutical-Production-Drives-Growth-Persistence-Market-Research.html#:~:text=New%20York%2C%20Aug.,by%20the%20end%20of%202033.

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Fueled by our continuous innovation and armed with EnzeneX™, our fully-integrated CDMO solutions and our biosimilars pipeline are designed to help bring your biologics innovations to life.