Assay development solutions

Unlock the full potential of your drug discovery with our cutting-edge assay development services. From development to screening, we're here to accelerate your path to success.

Empower your research with tailored assay solutions

Assay development is a critical component of drug discovery. Well-developed and characterized assays drive successful discovery campaigns. We offer expertise in developing fit-for-purpose assays across multiple formats and target classes, utilizing advanced instrumentation to deliver customized solutions.

Our approach

Our scientific and client-centric approach ensures timely project delivery, while our cutting-edge technological capabilities offer versatility and ease in decision-making.
We focus on key factors for optimal assay development:

  • Assay format and technology selection
  • Reagent quality and availability
  • Sensitivity, specificity and robustness
  • Reproducibility and scalability
  • Signal-to-noise ratio optimization
  • Appropriate controls to minimize false results

Our expertise in assay development

For cell-based assays, we carefully consider:

  • Cell line selection and disease relevance
  • Understanding of cell signaling pathways
  • Assay stability across multiple passages

Our solutions

With these capabilities in mind, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions designed to support your specific research needs:


  • Assess surface expression of key marker proteins on immune cells
  • Identify and characterize immune cell subtypes and differentiation
  • Measure cytokine release to assess cellular function
  • Evaluate in vitro immunogenicity of drug substance (DS) and drug product (DP) in assays measuring innate as well as adaptive immunity

2Biomarker discovery, screening and characterization

  • Utilize a multi-omics approach for biomarker identification
  • Employ techniques like immunohistochemistry (IHC), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), microarrays, proteomics and next-generation sequencing (NGS)
  • Intelligent, fit-for-purpose multi-omics approach using intelligently designed combinations of various platform technologies to yield a potential biomarkers (or molecular indicators) — extensively characterized using orthogonal assays in various models

3Cytokine and growth factor profilling

  • Use Luminex xMAP Technology for multiplexed analysis
  • Applications in disease diagnosis, therapeutic development to evaluate efficacy and mode of action (MOA) of novel drugs and research for enhancing our understanding about biological processes and cellular interactions

4In vitro immunogenicity assays

  • Assess immunogenic potential of drug substance/product
  • Evaluate innate and adaptive immune responses in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
  • All assays are accompanied by set of known allergens/immunogens (PAMPs) that activate innate immune arms via specific TLRs/PRRs

5Immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD)

  • Evaluate drug concentration and time course in biological samples (pharmacokinetics) and immunogenicity anti-drug antibodies (ADA) of biologics
  • Measure ADA formation and assess the triggering of the patient immune system by biologics
  • Measure pharmacodynamic effects based on drug mechanism of action. This could be a soluble biomarker such as serum protein or cytokine, or a cellular marker such as protein/DNA modification (phosphorylation, acetylation, methylation, etc.)
  • Assay sensitivity, specificity, precision and accuracy and matrix interference are key aspects considerations
  • PK and immunogenicity data together provide a comprehensive understanding of drug behavior in vivo

6Autoantibody detection

  • Screen for autoantibodies related to autoimmune diseases
  • Detect common autoantibodies like anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-dsDNA, anti-SSA/Ro, antibodies against nuclear proteins, certain enzymes and ribosomal proteins

7Genomic and transcriptomic assays

  • Perform gene expression profiling
  • Determine cell type and tissue-specific gene expression patterns
  • Conduct genetic knockdown/knockout screening

8Effector function assays

  • Design assays based on drug-target mechanism of action
  • Offer effector assays (ADCC, ADCP, CDC, Fc receptor binding)
  • Provide screening assays (binding, functional, phenotypic, cytotoxicity)
  • Orthogonal assays for additional characterization

9Custom assay development

  • Design assays aligned with specific research/client needs
  • Develop cell-free and cell-based phenotypic assays
  • Create surrogate assays mimicking cell signaling
  • Generate custom reporter gene cell lines

10Data analysis and interpretation

  • Strong internal due diligence ensures concordance with assay criteria and QC parameters
  • Provide data visualization and statistical evaluation
  • Interpret results to facilitate decision-making

Join the CDMO revolution

Fueled by our continuous innovation and armed with EnzeneX™, our fully-integrated CDMO solutions and our biosimilars pipeline are designed to help bring your biologics innovations to life.