Bioassay capability

Our technical expertise spans every stage of your biologics development and manufacturing journey, with bioassay services and capabilities that allow us to confidently advance your product further.

Why are bioassays important?

Bioassays are a crucial aspect of biologics development and manufacturing, ensuring product safety, efficacy and quality. By measuring biological activity, evaluating immunogenicity and determining product characteristics, bioassays can help to support every stage of development and manufacturing.


Understanding our bioassay capabilities

We have comprehensive bioassay capabilities that can support every stage of your biologics development and manufacturing, including:

  • Cytotoxicity assays
    • Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) assays
    • Fc-based effector function assays
  • Binding kinetics
    • Fc-based binding kinetics
    • Receptor-ligand binding kinetics
    • Antibody estimation
  • Pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity
    • USP and ICH-compliant assays
  • Cell-based assays
    • Reporter and conventional cell-based assays
  • Flow cytometry
    • Cell analysis
    • Receptor quantification
  • Data analysis
    • USP and ICH-compliant software for data analysis

Why partner with Enzene for your bioassays?

We are a global CDMO and biosimilar developer dedicated to impacting the global healthcare landscape by bringing trusted and affordable medicines to market, quickly.

Committed to innovation, we have revolutionized biologics production with our patented and validated continuous bioprocess manufacturing platform, EnzeneX™, that enables us to significantly reduce the cost of producing complex biologics and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).

Our fully-integrated services and productive pipeline of biosimilars, along with our bioassay capabilities, are designed to cater to your project’s every need.

Join the revolution

Fueled by our continuous innovation and armed with EnzeneX™, our fully-integrated CDMO solutions and our biosimilars pipeline are designed to help bring your biologics innovations to life.